About Us

The Company was incorporated as a Public Limited Company on 27th July, 1992 in Delhi and obtained Certificate of Commencement of Business on 07th September 1992. The Name of the Company was changed from Blue Coast Hotels and Resorts Ltd. to Blue Coast Hotels Ltd. with effect from 29th October, 2009.
BCHL forayed into the Hospitality sector in 1996.
Blue Coast Hotels as an Asset Manager oversees assets that are owned. Duties include implementation, negotiation and monitoring asset programs. The aim is to increase revenue and asset values through identified efficiencies and savings. Reports are prepared and then perform analysis to proactively identify potential delinquencies and revenue losses. Review and update of current policies is made from time to time.
As an Asset Manager, abilities are demonstrated in the areas of asset enhancement, financial results, goal driven in fast paced environment, analysis of property efficiencies and identifying opportunities for improved performance Blue Coast Group has authentic hands on experience and very successful track record of setting up and running Five Star hotels. It is a professionally managed group which has handled green field projects from land acquisition to making of the market leaders. The group has very good respect and relations with International chains of hotels. Project team is fully equipped to handle multiple projects.